Favorite Onliners


Hey Humans!

I’ve known the internet world since I was a kid. Back when computers still had the big tube behind, floppy disks were still used, and game boys were so cool and still in black and white using AA batteries. I’ve gone through the phases of using email with a pen pal, into cyber chats for instant communication. It’s crazy to actually see how technology is evolving.

I can basically say my whole life has grown influenced by the media. In this post I don’t exactly want to share what my favorite blogs are, but I just generally want to share what has been my favorite things throughout my years of using the internet.

First is how internet helps you connect to those people you’ve been missing. It’s crazy by just searching the name you’re looking for, it’ll show up. To think of it, it’s kind of creepy yet amazing. I’ve found a lot of my old elementary friends on facebook,  and it’s so weird to see everyone so different.

Second is getting to know a whole lot of new people. There are haters and lovers in this world, but whoever they choose to be we are all connecting. This huge media is a free platform for all of us to connect and share. I’ve found a few great people around here, and as long as you choose carefully, people are actually kind. who knows you might find the best people you’ve known around here.

Third is finding inspirations and information. I’ve found a few lot of inspirations that I’ve already posted (link). But other than these amazing people, I have found a great amount of inspirations for my room, clothes, beauty, and even my own blog from the internet.

Imagine everything in a few years more, how crazier would it be? But there are definitely and equal amount of cons to the pros. Like how anyone can know anyone by just a clock of a button.

What do you think of the internet? What has been your favorite thing about it? Share me your thoughts…

Cya soon,

Syra 🙂

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